Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Final Project Proposal

Map Project Proposal
-My map subject will be about tracing the moonshine distilleries in the Tennessee and/or North Carolina territories where there are quite a few. These will be legal moonshine distilleries of course.
- I’m interested in mapping this subject because of the show ‘Moonshiners’ on Discovery Channel. Also, the history is interesting.
-The map audience could be people who are interested in visiting Moonshine Distilleries or who actually like moonshine.
-The type of map I’m envisioning is an antique looking map with labels in an Old English Script.
-The scope of map would be the Tennessee and/or North Carolina states
-The data that I found was from Ole Smokey Moonshine Distillery in the Smokey Mountains, I visited this a few years ago but wasn’t of age to try it. It was interesting because there were so many different flavors, and moonshine has come a long way from what it was/is illegally. The data ranges from the years 2007-2013.
-The basemap needed for my map would be State boundaries that can be downloaded from ArcGIS with the important cities (the ones where the regulated Distilleries would be). I'm thinking of a Dot Density map to specifically show the locations.
-I expect the production to be somewhat tedious with labeling primarily and making it look really authentic.

-Some challenges that I perceive would be making it look rustic, I really want it to look like what I’m envisioning, and this might be a challenge since my artistic and creative capabilities are on the way side.
Source for picture:
Sources of data:

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